Difference between these two Automations

Is there any difference between these two automations? Maybe a little to early in the morning for me to think straight.

The first routine, with the two preconditions, will turn the lights on when motion is detected during the given time period with the Location Mode already having been set to Twilight.

In the second routine, I can’t tell whether blue or black means selected (the Android app uses bold black text v light grey so looks slightly different). If it is ‘Any’ then that one will run either when motion is detected or the Location Mode is set to Twilight, in either case only during the time period.

If the second routine is actually set to ‘All conditions’ it will behave like the first one, but will also turn the lights on if the Location Mode is set to Twilight when motion has already been detected, again during the time period.

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Thanks for the reply, the second one is “When all conditions are met”

OK I think I got it the right way around to start with but I changed my reply to cover both bases.

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With both Automations you are turning lights off after 6 minutes, regardless if there is continuing motion.

Unless it’s a diet plan, and you can spend only 6 minutes in the kitchen :grinning:

But it could also use the mode change as a trigger event in the second one, right? Not a common thing, but if motion is detected before the mode change and continues until after the mode change, it won’t trigger that first automation. If it’s the second one, the light will come on if motion is already happening when the mode changes. Basically, it’s like you said, it’s just that edge case of what happens as the mode is changing that I think may be different.

Dont overthink it.

“while the mode is changing” is a one millisecond event. The odds of you hitting that is very VERY slim and will recover if you hit the lotto and it happens.

And stupid thumbs. The rest of the message before i accidentally hit send…

I mean is it technically possible a happens and causes unexpected? Yes. It is. Whenever I run into that its almost always an indication im triggering automation on the wrong event. If your condition allows you to get into a situation then rethink the condition.

In your two examples above one locks it down to the specific set of criteria when the motion haplens at a time in a location. Id go with that.

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Yes, that is essentially what I was trying to say. On reflection ‘set’ was ambiguous. I meant in the sense of ‘changed to’.