Devices to give permanently on wiring

Hi, just installed some Aurora smart zigbee downlights in my bathroom, connected straight into smartthings without problem. However I now have the old problem that the lights need to be powered up to respond (like smart bulbs) so I now need a solution to allow the lights to be permanently powered whilst allowing the wall switch to function as a smart switch.

What is the latest/best solution to this one these days ?
(Is it only the dreaded Hue battery powered wall switch module ?)

Solutions haven’t changed much:

  • Replace the wall switch for a smart switch or relay with decoupled / detached mode that will keep the light powered and notify SmartThings so you can set automations (or even bind to the lights for some Zigbee switches like the Inovelli).
  • A battery powered wireless “button” in the wall that controls the light either by automations or binding if supported.

Binding is better since it does not depend on the hub or automations, but it’s more complex to setup or may just not be even possible.


Not keen to move to smart switches at this point. All those I have seen tend to look poor or else cost a fortune and some even require non standard backboxes. It can also be difficult to get 3 or 4 gang switches.

So what are the leading behind the switch plate relay modules that offer detached mode ?
Shelly ? But are they Wifi only ?
Others ?

Well, when you change your mind, take a look at some of the Zooz switches. Assuming you have a SmartThings hub, you can make the switch always power the lights and simply act as a remote controller–which can command the hub to turn the lights on/off. It all should execute locally, so there won’t be a big delay, plus you can have your Alexa/Google Home device respond to “Turn on the bathroom lights…” as you’re headed in there for your morning constitutional or stumbling around in the middle of the night. :yum:

Submitted “just in fun,” LOL!


What country are you in? The device selection does vary. :thinking:


I am in the UK.

Is there a list of modules with detached mode ?
Are they all wifi and not zigbee or zwave ?

At the moment I am starting to look at Shelly and Sonoff ?
I already have a sonoff DUALR3 which has a ‘detatched’ mode but it is a ‘meter mode’ and I am not sure that is enough ?
(Edit: No tried it now, DUALR3 ‘meter mode’ completely disables the switches and all the module then does is report power usage)
Newer Sonoff MINIR4 looks to have detached mode but perhaps needs a neutral wire which I might be able to do if I put it in the loft.

I have been reading this thread on the home assistant forum (I don’t use home assistant) which describes similar requirements…

So solution options appear to be…

  1. hard wire the lighting wiring to be always on
  2. use a 2 switch/channel relay module with one channel connected to the physical switch only, and the other channel connected to the lighting power wiring only
  3. use a switch module with detached mode
  4. use a switch module with detached mode and able to have a zigbee binding to the lights
    (although I am doubtful that it is even possible to configure zigbee binding use SmartThings ? Seems like you might need Home Assistant or similar ?)

There are quite a few module makes out there now, but is there anywhere which lists their capabilities so we don’t all have to repeat the same research trying to find a device that meets given requirements ? (Aqara, Nodon, sonoff, shelly, moes, ubisys, zooz, etc etc)

I’d like a combination of 2 AND 4 (if possible) as that seems to still allow the lighting to be switched off from being live, whilst also allowing the switch to control the lights/bulbs. (I don’t think it is ideal to be changing bulbs etc on a live circuit unless you turn off the whole circuit at the consumer unit)

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