Devices changed Type

Figure I’d ask before investigating further. Was taking stock of what all I have again for an updated list… and I noticed something weird. All my Iris devices now show up as SmartSense things. I did not do this, and I know when I ‘upgraded’ to a v2 hub back in September they detected as Iris things. Hell I just added another Iris sensor the other day and it detected that way according to the app at least. Now in the api they are all now SmartSensors. Both open/close sensors and motions. Also…my osram rgbw show up as ‘zigbee rgbw’ not the Osram dth. The Gardenspots show up as just ‘zigbee rgb’. If you were to look at my device list you’d never guess I had anything but ST SmartSensor stuff.

Now, its all working…working fine as well. All this is also local processing. But I swear not too long ago I logged in and it wasnt this way in the API. Any idea why it is this way now… also will it affect firmware updates (not that there are many). Hell I’d love to have a firmware update for the cree bulbs that might make them actually not break zigbee so bad.

Ideas why this happened lol?

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I had the same thing happen with a couple lightify bulbs. Was using a custom device type and they switched to the default.

Would they have automatically switched if a hub FW update created local support for the device?