Device handlers for Technisat in-wall switches


Technisat is now selling some in-wall z-wave switches here.

Did you see any device handler for those?


It’s using central scene commands, so it will need a custom DTH.

Did anyone get those in-wall switches to work with the ST hub? Those switches would fill a real need for me in my home setup.

Yes, would be really great if the TechniSat Switches / Dimmers can be used via Smartthings. I was able to integrate the Dimmer Switch by using the generic “Z-Wave Metering Dimmer” but I am not able to configure the Dimmer to work properly → some important preference settings within Smartthings are missing. Does anyone know a solution?

Can you go into more detail what’s not working properly? I’m still holding out to buying one but would love to finally replaces some of my regular in-wall switches.

Don’t know if it helps, but there is a tool (DTH) you can install to tweak the settings of a Z-Wave device.

Maybe it shows the settings you want to configure.

Install this DTH, go to the the device you want to alter and choose Z-Wave Tweaker as the driver. Now look around in your TechniSat device.

Grtn Ben

I was able to successfully integrate the “normal” light switch and the shades switch. The dimmer switch was also successfully detected and usable via Smartthings. All of them are working very well.

The only problem I had with the dimmer switch was that I am not able to change some of the default switch configuration settings. Especially the setting of how the dimmer behaves with the other regular dimmer switches which are connected as substations to the Technisat dimmer switch (auxiliary input S). So it’s not possible to e.g. change the default setting for “auxiliary input S” from “switch” to “push button” - what I need for my light setup. So all settings can only be used as they are configured as default: (page 21 & 22)

Thanks for the tip, Ben! I will have a look at the Z-Wave Tweaker and will see what’s possible.

It looks like the options you can adjust are piece of cake to Z-Wave Tweaker.

Grtn Ben