Ady - yes, they are sorted now - and wow that was quick. They are sorting alpha anywhere they are being presented to the user. Perfect. Thanks.
I have 2 Honeywell RTH6580s on my ST account through the Honeywell Total connect portal/API.
webCore sets the target temps, changes modes, etc all properly. However the one limitation is that it sets targeted temps in “Permanent hold mode” rather than temporary hold which would expire at the next (internally programmed) set time and cooling point
I would like to have the system set the temperature with an option to set:
“device set cooling point” with split into 2 options: (and obviously the same for heating)
- device set cooling point permanent
- device set cooling point temporary
Is there a way to code this into webCore. I went back and forth with the lead stringify developer for a few months trying to get this to work properly. They finally got it done working with Honeywell to get the implementation correct. I do know it is possible, I’m just wondering if you can add the feature capability.
It may be that the perm/temp is a separate option somewhere in the thermostat and the command that sets the target inherits that option. Changing your thermostat to do temps would fix your problem, unless you need any perm change too. webCoRE can do what the DTH can do, if the DTH gives no option/command for that, well, sorry
I’m using the Smartthings built in Honeywell Total Connect comfort smartapp/DTH. (Honeywell TCC 6000 Thermostat)
How can we figure out if both temp and permanent set point capabilities are present in that DTH and if they are, how to exploit them?
Also, do you have anything on the horizon for developing an Alexa Skill which would allow a user to execute a piston by commanding with voice?
Either predetermined words, or a custom string, such as:
“Alexa, tell webcore good morning”
“Alexa, tell webcore good night”
“Alexa, tell webcore it’s nap time”
“Alexa, tell webcore we are upstairs”
I have the same t-stat. I do a permanent hold when I everyone leaves the house and a “resume internal program” command when someone returns.
Both of @MichaelS’ AskAlexa and (@SBDOBRESCU & @bamarayne)’s EchoSistant can do that.
question on the webcore dashboard
I see a list of piston names, then after them I see true of false
what does the true or false mean?
I see at the top, my hub my mode of that location, then an unknown - what is the unknown?
(I do have two ST locations)
1: each piston has a state, by default, automatic state is enable and that defaults to a true or false depending on the truth of the last condition in the piston
2: Can’t really help without seeing a snapshot of that - where does it say unknown?
Is there an exit code one can use to adjust the state (or make it meaningful)?
Here is the screenshot
Do you not have SHM installed? That could explain the “(unknown)”
As for the state, yeah, people went nuts with that, literally.
In the piston editor, click its name and disable automatic piston state in that window. Then use the “Set piston state…” task or use the Exit statement and pass the state in that parameter there.
There’s a whole lot of ways to do crazy things in there, search through the threads, you can make text color using the [color | text]
construct, you can use :fa-snowflake-o fa-spin:
to get a rotating snow flake, etc. The [ color | text ]
construct also allows for formatters like b, i, u, pre, flash (or blink) to make the text even richer.
yes, no shm in use.
thx on the state info. more to learn. Do any of the examples show this state and txt options?
Yes, start here: [DEPRECATED THREAD: visit for assistance] WebCoRE - Example Pistons
@ahndee is officially the State Master as he’s the one who came up with this crazy creative idea.
Some of us went only semi-crazy, but it does come in handy to monitor stuff without having to go to the ST app, LOL:
You know when I just got my first ST Hub I used to think ok now this is awesome and I now I can do some stuff. Then RM came along and I was like oh snap but well we all know that story. Then Core came along and was wow. Now with WebCore Holy Sh!t this is home automation at its finest. Thank you @ady624 for this wonderful piece of code.
@elf How did you manage to enter the newlines in the piston state? I tried using <br />
but - while it creates a newline in the editor - that shows up as <br />
in the dashboard.
(I’m currently using non-breaking spaces to try and force things to stay together but it’s not quite what I want).
@elf probably still sleeping lol, Use \r or \n
Thanks - that works. I’m sure I had tried that as well before and it didn’t work. Maybe I tried before the status was allowed to wrap…
Fairly recent, it worked on the Log task first before Adrian added it to status.
Maybe I tested on the notification - does it work there as well?