D-Link Audio Extender uses?

Hi I have a D-Link Audio Extender DLNA compatible. I am kind of new to Smartthings and I just came from Wink. Some kind person posted all of the compatible audio devices and the D-Link Audio Extender DLNA was compatible. This device basically is an audio DLNA server that I can plug my home theater setup into. My question is what can I do with it. Can I do the same things that Sonos can do (like custom messages)?

Thanks, Brandon

You should be able to do much of the same things

Here is a good thread to start with


I am new to Smartthings and I just came from Wink. I am kind of confused on how to install this.
Also would this option allow voice announcements (like Good morning or
side door open)?

Thanks Again, Brandon

The github link in the post (GitHub - SmartThingsUle/DLNA-PLAYER: Generic DLNA Player to Smartthings) has the instructions. I’ve copied them below. You’ll need to set up a developer account if you haven’t already yet. You’ll install the smart app and the device handler. From their, you’ll open the app, and find your player. once you find your player, you should be able to use it to play music or give voice announcements like you could with Sonos.

I haven’t personally used it, but looking through the thread others have found success with it

Generic DLNA Player to Smartthings v 1.9.0

Its necessary to update MediaRenderer Connect and Dlna-Player You must uninstall all your MediaRenderes and install again after update.

Installing The MediaRenderer Connect

Open SmartThings IDE in your web browser and log into your account.

Click on the “My Smart Apps” section in the navigation bar.

On your SmartApps page, click on the “+ New SmartApp” button on the right.

On the “New SmartApp” page, Select the Tab “From Code” , Copy the MediaRenderer_Connect source code from GitHub and paste it into the IDE editor window.

Click the blue “Create” button at the bottom of the page. An IDE editor window containing device handler template should now open.

Click the blue “Save” button above the editor window.

Click the “Publish” button next to it and select “For Me”. You have now self-published your SmartApp.

Installing The Device Type

Open SmartThings IDE in your web browser and log into your account.

Click on the “My Device Types” section in the navigation bar.

On your Device Types page, click on the “+ New Device Type” button on the right.

On the “New Device Type” page, Select the Tab “From Code” , Copy the MediaRenderer_Player source code from GitHub and paste it into the IDE editor window.

Click the blue “Create” button at the bottom of the page. An IDE editor window containing device handler template should now open.

Click the blue “Save” button above the editor window.

Click the “Publish” button next to it and select “For Me”. You have now self-published your SmartApp.

Searching the Media Renderers

Open the SmartThings app in your smartphone.

Select the (+) icon to install new things

Go to My Apps section and select MediaRenderer Connect

The MediaRenderer Connect will start to search Your players.

Once the app will show the quantity of media renderers found, activate all the media renderers found and finish the proccess pressing the “Done Button” in both pages.

Get back to main window and you should have the new players in your things section, refresh the page if no players appears.

Ok thanks! Will try I will contact you again if something goes wrong.

Thanks, Brandon

I’ve got this extender set up using the MediaRenderer connect app and use it for a few things so far:

  • Announcing when someone is arriving based on presence detection
  • Alerts me if the front door is left open longer than a specified length of time

Possibly the most useful one is barking like a pack of dogs when I spy my cat doing something she shouldn’t be over the webcam! This one isn’t automated though, I just activate it whenever I manage to catch her acting up. Or whenever I feel like messing with her :imp:

Cool ideas! Thanks for the help!

Uh oh. It will not stop saying when I hit the last done button, “Failed to save page:MainPage”

Any help would be appreciated.

If I remember correctly this is an issue with the latest version of the ST app (on Android at least, not sure about IOS). You’ll need an older version to initially connect the media renderer connect app, I think 1.6.8 worked for me? I used a spare Android handset to do the set up then my main device to create actions and alerts.

Here’s a link: https://app.box.com/s/sr47hsqhdiaxun0adybj55lp9ik9dbgw

I have iOS so this option would not work for me. Can I download an older version of the media renderer?