I am using the CT100 Thermostat device handler for my CT101 and the battery status is no longer displaying in the Smartthings app since the upgrade to the new app. I have communicated with Smartthings support and they told me this is a known issue but they have no timeframe for a fix for the defect in the new app.
Does anyone have a suggestion for how to work around this problem? It is a pain to go into the IDE to get the battery status for the device versus just going into the app to check the battery status.
For zigbee devices it works, I don’t know if it will work for zwaves.
As battey events are only sent if there is any level change. To force the device configuration to be updated and recalculate the battery level you can do this, if you haven’t done it by now:
Open the device in IDE.
Click on edit
Change the DTH version from “Published” to “Draft”
Click on update.
Wait a minute or so and see if the battery level has been sent in the app and updating the IDE page.
Put the DTH version back to Published with the same procedure.
Perfect. I am not sure why Smartthings support didn’t suggest that back in March when they told me it was a known issue.
I used your steps but also made a backup coy of the device handler namespace before editing and updating it. Call me anal but I don’t like to mess with the original that was working, I would rather have it to fallback on if something goes wrong.
you’re welcome
I understand you, but with those steps you do not change anything in the DTH, you only make it execute, in this case, the same version of DTH and forces the device configuration to be executed.
If it is a device with local execution, it happens to run in the cloud, nothing more.
You can also use the self published version.
Marked as a solution in case someone looks for the same problem
I’m glad it works for you
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
You can try to reset the device handler. Also if you have access to rboy apps try this device handler which allows you access to advanced feature on the thermostat and also fixes a few bugs in the thermostat firmware:
Name Light Master Bedroom
Label Light Master Bedroom
Type ZigBee Switch
Version Published
Zigbee Id xxxxx
Device Network Id
Hub Hub_xxxx
Group Master Bedroom
Last Activity At 2021-05-19 2:57 PM EDT
Date Created 2021-03-24 7:39 PM EDT
Last Updated 2021-05-19 12:55 PM EDT
Route This Device ↔ Fan Master Bedroom ↔ Hub
Last Hop LQI: 255
Last Hop RSSI: -77
Received Messages From Device: 15813
Received Messages From Device (Duplicates): 0
Messages Transmitted to Device: 15629
Messages Transmitted to Device (Failures): 7
Updated Time: 2021-05-19 2:01 PM EDT
endpointId: xxxx
manufacturer: eWeLink
model: SA-003-Zigbee
zigbeeNodeType: ROUTER
Raw Description xxxxx
Firmware Check Now
Current States
switch: off
checkInterval: 1320 s
Execution Location Cloud versus Local <<< this is the difference other than the id number
OK nevermind. I have played with this changing the DH and then changing it from draft and published. After about 5 different devices and changes it is now showing as local, the same as the others.
You mentioned local versus cloud execution. I have 10 zigbee plugs. 9 of them show as local execution, 1 shows as cloud. Any idea why 1 of them is showing as cloud? Any idea how to make it local like the rest?