CoRE - Get peer assistance here with setting up Pistons

@Brett_C Yeah. I have been thinking through it ever since posting the question. The piston isn’t going back to False and same for the Condition since I have so many nested ELSEIF’s within it with at least one being true.

I have to figure out how to either reset the whole piston if it triggers again or somehow build in a delay between the first presence update (to give time for all of the sensors to update as present or not present) and before kicking off the mode/notification scenarios.

@strangedesign I can’t believe I’m saying this since I always look for ways to combine pistons, but have you tried using separate pistons? You could setup your main Basic piston to monitor the presence change, and the subsequent pistons could be Follow-Up pistons that only get executed by the first. I suggest this because the action in the first piston could be “Follow-up with piston… after 1 minute” - building in your delay.

Use the force. I mean, sorry, use the “cancel on condition state change”…

@ady624 I tried that but all of the actions on in ELSEIF’s inside of the THENIF condition, so it didn’t seem to work. Does the “cancel on condition state change” impact the sub IF’s?

Illustrating IF (any presence changes) THENIF [(IF A not B Action on True)cancel on condition state change ELSEIF (IF A not B Action on True)cancel on condition state change ELSEIF…]

Will that work?

If you’re using when true and when false stuff, yeah, the condition that the when true is attached to should cancel stuff on change…

Ok I give that a try and see what happens.

Been trying to do something “simple” all day. I would like to trigger a specific mode when it’s rainy/cloudy outside, but CoRE doesn’t seem to have the ability to get such information from say AccuWeather or even the built-in weather smart tile. I have an Ecobee 3 thermostat, but no weather information is available from it.

What am I missing? Is the only option is to get a PWS or have a illuminance sensor outside?

Enable expert mode in main app settings, then choose whichever attribute you want to watch for your trigger.

@ady624 Sucess!!!

So I did have them set to “cancel on condition state change” but it still wasn’t working. So after looking at the dashboard view, the problem finally dawned on me. As I had it set up and I showed you before was the problem.

Before - didn’t work
Illustrating IF (any presence changes) THENIF [(IF A not B Action on True)cancel on condition state change ELSEIF (IF A not B Action on True)cancel on condition state change ELSEIF…]

After - works
Illustrating IF (any presence changes) THENIF [(IF A not B Action on True)cancel on condition state change OR (IF A not B Action on True)cancel on condition state change OR…]

The problem with the before was that once the piston hit a condition that was true, it stopped evaluating the subsequent conditions. So if the actions that I wanted to be cancelled were attached to a condition that was after the condition that was true by the next trigger, it never was evaluated and thus the condition couldn’t change after cancel the actions.

Thanks for the patience and all the help.

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I guess I’m asking for the wrong thing. I meant I don‘t see any weather related items under the Capability list for setting up a conditional. Such as if AccuWeather is reporting cloudy/rainy, turn on this mode.

The issue is we don’t have devices that report that capability. The closest probably is lux for cloudy days.

Choose other, go for refreshable devices, select the weather tile and select the desired attribute, provided you enabled expert mode.

@underlircs I know you can get a “weather” device by installing Nest Manager. But I don’t see any way to select it for conditions/triggers in CoRE. You can get Lux, Humidity & Temp since those tie to sensors. Maybe @ady624 knows differently.

However, you could do this with iFTTT and their MakerChannel. Just setup the Weather Underground service, chose your trigger (Rain, Snow, Cloudy, Clear) as the “IF” then have the “Then” be a Maker Channel. Then just setup a piston with IFTTT as the trigger. If you need some info check out this post on iFTTT and CoRE

Hope that helps.

If you add the smart weather tile to your devices (you’ll also need to sort a refresh trigger for it…can use CoRE for this) you can choose “sensor” in the core conditional dialog, choose the weather tile…and all of its attributes will be accessible.

I use LUX from a nearby weather underground station to auto dim my house lights. More info copied below, originally posted in Mike Maxwells autodimmer thread:

Some information for those looking to pull LUX from the free Smart Weather Tile for this app:
A. Install the Smart Weather Tile from the web IDE as a device for yourself. There is a template provided. You just need to define a zip code in the device settings

I’m not in the US, so a zip code does not work for me. Fortunately you can leave it blank and your hub location will be used. Alternately you can enter in a weather underground station ID (pws:STATIONID). If you look on the weather underground web site for your area, you can find stations near you. Look in the web URL for the pws:STATIONID and enter that into the device settings for the Smart Weather Tile (instead of a zip code) on your smartphone. I tried a few until I found one with more accurate LUX updates.
B. The weather tile doesn’t update itself, and the programs I tried to fix it don’t work as they seem to have timer issues. This one, using events to trigger updates, worked perfectly: “Manual Weather Refresh” written by Daniel Vorster: [OBSOLETE] Smart Weather Station Tile Device - #164 by jkp
I copied the code and published the app to myself using the web ide. This app updates the weather tile perfectly driven off events, rather than timers. Being that I have lights activated by motion sensors, I used one of those sensor events to trigger a Weather Tile update.
Loving the auto dimmer :slight_smile:

Capabilities are merely a vehicle to selecting the devices. They also point to the “default” attribute for that device. A dimmer will default to the level attribute, but if selected as a switch, the same exact device will default to the switch attribute. By enabling expert mode, you get to choose which attribute you need, so regardless of which capability is used to select the device, you still have access to all the attributes that device supports. One of the weather tiles attribute I think is precipitation, another one is illumination. You just need the device selected, from there you can select the attribute you desire. Again, enable expert mode,that will reveal the Attribute field.

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CORE newby here, wondering exactly how to accomplish something.

I’m hoping to set up a couple pistons that I can trigger from a routine so that I can easily run them from the lock screen of my phone. One will be to decrease both the cooling and heating set points for 2 thermostats by 2 degrees, one will be to increase the set points by 2 degrees. I don’t think I need a super-detailed walkthrough of how to do it, but some general guidelines for the best way to accomplish this would be appreciated.

My first attempts involved loading the attributes to variables, adding/subtracting 2, then setting attributes based on the variables, but I couldn’t get it to work at all. The variables seemed to be increasing or decreasing, but I couldn’t get the thermostat set points to actually change. After banging my head against it all night, I figure I might as well ask here.

Double Tap!

Wondering if you Core geniuses can come up with a way to mimic the double tab feature on certain on/off switches using a dimmer switch.

On my GE dimmer switch, I have to press and hold to dim up or down to certain levels.

I’d like to quickly double tap a dimmer so that it jumps to 100%. Double tap up goes on and double tap down goes off.

Press and hold would remain the same.

Any thoughts on how to achieve this using Core?

Not necessarily a CoRE genius, but… Here’s my thought process.

You would need a set of global variables (probably @tap_up and @tap_down would be the recommendation to make it clear which is which).
Probably the closest thing I have seen to what you’re wanting would be @bamarayne’s Doggie Door piston ( and it’s the first one under Convenience)
The logic would be fairly similar to this concept.

You’d need to make 1 for double tap up and 1 for double tap down (although you could probably make it all in 1 piston, but that sounds messy to me).

Again… Not a CoRE genius (just finally starting to move over to it from RM, actually).


Thanks @diehllane

Trying to wrap my head around this. What do you imagine the condition would have to be to signify a double tap? My initial thought is something like IF dimmer raises so and so “points” TWICE within 5 seconds then set @tap_up as true.

Can you get that granular in CoRE?

I don’t think this is achievable on a dimmer switch. If it was a regular on/off then the smart app double tap works but it does not work on dimmer switches. Took me too long to figure out why I could do it on one switch but not the other.