CoRE - Get peer assistance here with setting up Pistons

I’m with you. I think it is going to depend on what type of switch / dimmer you use. I have the GE dimmer installed. I can not see any events in live logging or Event list for that switch on the IDE if the switch is already in the state your trying to switch to.

I turned it on and pressed the on button again. The original on is in the IDE event list but not any of the latter. I do see my CoRe piston sending the level commands from my auto control. Which is interesting but really does you no good. If you can’t see the switched pressed again then you can’t trigger your CoRE piston on that event.

If I remember right others had issues with the double tap and the GE switches. There is another brand of switch that I believe has double tap functionality built into the switch.

So maybe if you used that switch in the places you needed this functionality, it might work? I believe it would also require the custom DTH.

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