It also saves it to the Notifications page in your ST app. It’s what “Send notification” would do.
Thanks, that’s what I was hoping it would do!
You’re simply incredible. Thanks for the continued work in pushing out those features everyone wants!
I thought of another thing that is absent that I’d definitely want - the ability to run Routines. Think that might be workable eventually?
Yeah, bothways routine integration. Be able to execute routines and also trigger a piston on a routine execution.
UPDATE: v0.0.042.20160524 - Alpha test version - Execute Routine action is now available. Routine execution trigger not yet ready. @bobfather
Think I need to purchase more sensors etc. Just so I can create more Pistons… May need a bigger house too… then more to automate!!!
The great thing about apps like this one and rule machine… The stock ST routines become instantly obsolete. They are unreliable on the best of days. The only use I have found for them is to change the mode… And nothing else.
That’s exactly what I use them for…push button availability of modes.
…and with that bit of integration I wave goodbye to Rule Machine.
I will sadly wave goodbye to RM once the media player stuff is implemented since I use Kodi to dim lights in my living room and basement when we’re watching TV
I’ve been able to completely eliminate all my ST Routines by using CoRE. I’ve discovered I can do pretty much everything with pistons, including changing the Mode!
Has anyone been able to use a keypad (specifically the Iris keypad) with CoRE? I’ve tried, and failed horribly, to implement it as an “If” condition. E.g. If keypad is disarmed do X
Can I simulate the keypad? Or do I have to stop by Lowe’s?
I did away with routines a long time ago. I used rule machine exclusively for modes and routines.
Now I’m moving away from rule machine. An app like this is able to do anything possible with ST. Unfortunately, the ST platform is not designed for this type of all encompassing app. Rule machine proved that.
When I need a manual mode changed, I just have Alexa do it.
With Alexa I use virtual switches to activate different modes… “Alexa turn on Cinema/Morning/Day/Night/Sleep” and all the magic is handled by CoRE. And that’s how I was able to eliminate Routines altogether. I suppose Rule Machine provided that same capability but I never used RM as extensively as I have with CoRE!
Made progress with Routine “executed” trigger, just need to test it. That concludes “Routines” support. Also made progress with the “Variable” condition/trigger - this will allow full potential of variables be exposed.
Will also add Piston “executed” trigger, thinking of options here.
Will add the Follow-Up piston mode and the Execute piston action as well as the Evaluate piston action.
Then I need to work on the capture/restore of attributes and I am (almost) ready for beta.
Third-axis is still missing, What else to beta?
Here’s a distance function for the xyz map…, using it for my garage door SA.
def getDistance(coord1,coord2){
if (coord1 && coord2){
def dX = coord1.x - coord2.x
def dY = coord1.y - coord2.y
def dZ = coord1.z - coord2.z
def s = Math.pow(dX,2) + Math.pow(dY,2) + Math.pow(dZ,2)
def dist = Math.pow(s,0.5)
return dist.toInteger()
} else return null
Actually with the new askAlexa app and integration there are no virtual switches.
I just say, Alexa, ask home to set the mode to night." She responds, “I am setting the smartthings mode to night”
Also, I can do this…
“Alexa, ask home to run the sleep routine”.
She responds, “I am running the smartthings sleep routine”
Hmmmm I’m not sure how to do that, but here’s the link to where I found the device handler: CentraLite Keypads
Capture and restore… Not sure if that’s available yet.
Here’s how I use it…
Living Room lights are on at one color and 60% level. I only turn on the overhead light when I want it really bright.
So, in RM when the overhead light comes on a rule captures the current state of the lamps, then changes then to daylight color and sets the level to 100%.
When I’m done and turn off the overhead light the lamps are then restored to what they were before.
Oooo and just had another revalation with the if then stuff I can get away with one piston to monitor all of my kodi instances ooooooo