Going back on topic, currently I’m browsing to find the best LED Strip and then I think I’ll buy a ST compatible controller, like @JDRoberts suggested in the FAQ he linked, so that if I ever feel like taking on the RPi challenge I can just change the controller rather than throw away the strip, but I still have the easy ST take on the matter. Not many of those he suggested are available in Italy (at least that I found) though, so I guess I’ll have to find one that works here, is there a list of all LED Strip controllers that have Edge Drivers available?
As far as edge drivers, remember that edge itself has only been available for public developer beta for about six weeks, and people are just getting started with it. You can find a list of available edge drivers in the community-created wiki:
Oh, is it only six weeks? I thought it had been a few months. Seems like I joined this world in revolutionary times ^^"
Anyway, is it this one? If so, can it control individually addressable lights (and does it even make sense to buy them if you don’t write code for them)? I feel so lost in all of this new stuff xD
Ask in the author thread for the edge driver and they can tell you if it will work with that model or if that model could be added.
I don’t think that model lets you control individual LEDs individually from SmartThings, instead, you can have different settings for the four primary options: red, green, blue, and white. but it’s for the whole strip. But hopefully someone else will know for sure.
I see, are individually addressable ones usually worth it in your experience? Especially since they are quite a bit pricier than their counterparts, and if I’m not coding with them (at least at first) then it may be an useless expense
It’s a very individual choice. Some people like them for the special effects but I don’t have any of that type and haven’t found a need for them. It really just depends on the use case.