Controlling LED Strips

SmartThings is taking their usual “ Half a loaf is better than none” approach to Matter.

They have announced that they Will be able to bring mattercompliant devices into a smartthings account, but A SmartThings/Aeotec hub will NOT be a “Matter bridge,” so you won’t be able to bring devices connected to an ST hub into other mattercompliant apps, like HomeKit or Philips hue. So that’s a one-way Matter integration.

This is in contrast to Aqara and Philips Hue Who have announced support for two way matter integrations. Not only will you be able to bring other matter compatible devices into their own apps, their hubs will show up as a bridge device In other companies’ matter compatible apps. It’s a big difference, but one you won’t be able to tell just from looking at the logos listed on the box :thinking:

For more information about smartthings and matter, see the following discussion thread:

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