Controlling Keen Vents with SmartThings Hub

Smartthings no longer provides the free, groovy cloud that ran custom Smartapps, and custom DTHs. A few of the community developers have switched to the new architecture; others, including @yvesracine did not. So they no longer offer code on the SmartThings platform. And the code they used to provide will no longer work.

So that leaves you with two choices:

  1. you can add a hubitat hub, which still runs groovy, very similar to the old smartthings architecture and, in this case, there is an Yves Racine version which does run there. You can run both systems, there are some community created projects to integrate them. So if you’re interested in that, let us know.

  2. I believe there is a stock edge driver for the keen vents, at least some models.

@johnconstantelo may be able to say more. Try asking in the following thread:

Help with keen vent edge driver

If you’re interested in details about the new architecture, you can check the community faq:

FAQ: I have no idea what Edge is. Is that a new developer tool? (2022)