Is there any customizable solutions to make a tablet be able to control the smart home? For example creating rooms, lights, etc?
Yes. You can see some projects others have posted with this quick browse link:
+1 for ActionTiles
Was on the ActionTiles webpage, the description sounds like it does things that WebCoRE does. I currently use WebCoRE. is action tiles similar to this?
webCoRE is an automation engine (automate based on Pistons = rules for when to turn on lights if door opens after sunset, etc.).
ActionTiles is a status dashboard for viewing Things state and activating lights, locks, routines, garage doors, etc. Fully secure limited access to only the Things you authorize. Blend in your video cameras too. Add Virtual Switches to trigger webCoRE or other SmartApps or IFTTT.
Is there any screenshots of how the UI looks of actiontiles? Is everything on one dashboard or can we categorise into rooms etc? I’ve seen some cool UI’s where the dashboard has summary like temperatures, SHM status, list of people with in and out status and then tabs at the bottom with rooms.
Our current Licensing allows you to create as many dashboards (“Panels”) as you wish, and the way you organize them us only limited to your imagination. We don’t offer “tabs” for rooms, because you can just place and use Panel Shortcut Tiles to move among Panels. Those Panels could be Things grouped by room, or any other arbitrary way…
This post on our Customer Feedback Forum shows dozens of different layouts…
Thanks, so am I right in understanding that ActionTiles links to a smartthings account/location and then you have list of all the smartthings things to be able to add it as tiles? and what about extra things like camera streams etc? is that just custom url and video stream tiles?
Correct. ActionTiles allows the creation of Things based on a subset of the Capabilities (Attributes and Commands) they have. A Contact Sensor can simultaneously generate an open/close indication Tile and a Temperature Tile. You can mix and match Tiles of different types and even from different Locations (Hubs) on the same or many Panels.
A few special Tiles are URL hyperlinks (“Shortcuts”) and Panel Shortcuts (links to other Panels), Routine and Routines Tile, Mode Tile, SHM Tile…
And Media Tiles. Media Tiles are pretty much just URL’s embedded in an tag, thus can only be still images or MJPEG streams, because browsers aren’t universally compatible with other media without special handling and plug-ins, etc … though Media Tiles are likely to be enhanced someday.