Looking to mount a tablet (probably an iPad) on the wall and have it be a Dashboard for ST. Is there anything out there? Seems that Samsung could with a little coding make their App have a “dashboard mode” where the App would be “read only” so visitors, renters, etc… can control as little or as much as you’d like them to be able to without screwing up everything.
If you’re not looking for something complex, you can use the dashboard from the smart things site below.
Otherwise sharp tools or action tiles are also great options if you need more customization or the ability to view video from camera cameras.
Thanks for responding. Both the Website and the app allow uncontrolled access to each of my homes and they don’t allow me to create a customer dashboard of just the devices I want to display and/or allow control of. Would seem to be a fairly simple enhancement to the existing app using the invite feature for the tablet as a user.
I guess I’m going to have to look into sharptools or action tiles. Hopefully they can lock down access similar to what you’d expect in a hotel room so customers aren’t messing things up
Thank you
You can invite other users who have a ST account to manage your location and restrict them to only controlling devices you choose.
Expanding on what @h0ckeysk8er stated. In the app, you can tap on Menu, go to Settings and disable sync Favorites which allows you to choose what appears on the Home Dashboard for that device only and does not affect other devices with ST.