Confused by Garage Doors

I’ve watched the support topics and read a number of posts, but I’m just not getting it.

My setup is…
SmartThings Multi-sensor on the garage door
ZFM-80 wired to the garage door opener

I currently have the sensor set as a “SmartSense Garage Door Multi”. It functions poorly. I’m not sure if range is an issue. The temperature seems fine, but I don’t check that often. The ‘state’ of it doesn’t seem to update on its own. I have to open the details of the tile, then toggle which item displays as the main, then the state will change to an accurate representation of Open or Closed.

For the opener, I’m not sure what to set it to. I originally tried using the SmartSense Garage Door Sensor Button, but that just didn’t work at all. When I would press “the button” it would visually say it was opening, but wouldn’t do anything. I’ve now changed it to a Z-Wave Virtual Momentary Contact Switch and it works sporadically. I don’t know if range is an issue here or not as well.

So, what am I doing wrong?

(Thanks in advance)