

I’m with you.  It’s part of why I started this thread.  With all respect to Mweston, the “it’s not a store” argument only carries so far.  Or for every operating system to be covered.  Limited iOS support (which was adequately explained), and Android support that was promised seems reasonable.  Nobody’s asking for anything immediately, we just expect what we’ve been told by ST to translate in some manner to the real world.  I do not feel I have unrealistic expectations, I take what I am told by ST, pad it a bit, subtract some optimism, and figure a rough date.  When even that date passes with no explanation, it is disappointing.  Communication is easy, every other Kickstarter i’ve funded does it better than ST currently is.  I don’t care if it’s bad news, just let me know.

Where did you see the Android app was functional?


@ahawkinson What’s the status on the Android App? I’d heard at one point early April. Wondering if that’s still on target?
Alex Hawkinson ‏@ahawkinson9 Apr
@RedRamage have functioning app but still not complete parity with iOS. Looking 4 additional Android developer right now if you know anyone…
