CNET Article - Bad Press For SmartThings

The reporter stated clearly “Hawkinson, speaking with CNET, …” Why are you questioning Shara Tibken’s credibility when she even disclosed her source!


With all due respect, has any reporter ever written a piece about SmartThings you didn’t find “unprofessional”?

Extrapolation is part of the job of any analytical journalist. Otherwise it’s just a listing of facts.

to form an opinion or to make an estimate about something from known facts

Wild extrapolation or unfounded extrapolation is bad. But extrapolation can also be reasonable, appropriate, and inform the article.

There are at least four fundamental points that a good journalist, like any scientist, should know: how to find the latest information (the sources), how to assess it (the quality and authoritativeness), how to analyse and filter it (selection), how to deal with too many sources of information, sometimes case biased by conflicting interests (balance). The journalist must, in addition, know how to translate it to render it accessible and useful to the general public (dissemination), and how to use it best.


Sorry I wasn’t clear… I wasn’t questioning her credibility regarding Hawkinson’s statement, I was just wondering if the source for some of the quotes was the verbal interview vs. material she just sourced directly from the Forum. The material in the forum has the original context, so it is a lot easier for me to analyze and compare / contract my conclusions to those of the reporter.

Indeed, per @JDRoberts, a lot of the quotes are from written forum material. This makes it hard for me to keep track of context – i.e., when there is a mix of live interview quotes with written quotes from the same person.

She also quotes @bravenel prominently, but unfortunately was not given verbal statements / interview from him. So at least it’s 100% clear what her source was for quotes from Bruce.

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I should check. Probably not that much.


Well. My, my, my.


My blog post inspired the article, but the author also did a phone interview, and made several follow-up emails to double-check information. And, as she notes, she tried to speak directly with Bruce. And she also spoke directly to Alex, and I thought his response was very interesting.

All the material from the forum she noted as from the forum.

She did an excellent job of carefully detailing the source of all information.


I thought it was a good article myself.


I wonder how long before /. picks it up? I keep watching for it actually.

I was /. once. For this piece. It was an excellent test of server support.

I still think IoT is a bit niche still. Even with Intel’s decision yesterday, I still don’t see that the geek community has completely embraced IoT yet.

There’s absolutely no question about that…

I thought good journalism retired with Cronkite.

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@Shelley_Powers, that’s some fine writing!

“And PHP answered:
All I ever do, day in and day out, is work and work and work. The only time I’m noticed is when I break, and then I’m cursed and kicked, and roundly blasted for being useless. However, when things go well, I never get a kind word.

A familiar lament to many of us.
[My current language, Lua, wasn’t even mentioned back in 2002, hehe!]


FYI…did you see this response from support?

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Yep, looks like some people on the support staff haven’t gotten the memo. Though I don’t think you can point to this and say that SmartThings is officially blaming rule machine, just that they have poor internal communication about the problems and solutions…



When a consumer makes contact with a company, the person answering the contact is the official face of the company and what they say to the consumer is official.

So, until @alex or @Ben publicly addresses this exact response and either explains why their employee is stating this, or released an officials statement stating the opposite, than this is the official statement of the company.


The following statement seems very clear:


They keep coming. Wonder who will be next. Or IF there will be a next.

The Business Insider article is a sham (click-bait). It just quotes a few things from the original CNET and the remaining 2/3rds is an ad for their IoT Paper (via subscription or purchase).


If anything, these so-called “articles” have shown how little in-depth coverage IoT is actually getting.

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Totally agree. I was just about to post that.

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Doesn’t that logic make Googles whole business model “click-bait”

Another article you don’t like. That’s a shock :slight_smile: