We are academic researchers from the College of William & Mary in the United States looking for developers/testers with experience in IoT-related product testing to complete a survey. The prerequisites for this survey are the following: You must have (1) experience working with IoT products and (2) experience in IoT-related product testing.
The purpose of this survey is to learn and understand your perspective on IoT-related product testing.
If you decide to participate, the survey will last approximately 15-20 minutes, and you will be compensated with a $10 USD Amazon Gift Card for completing the survey. During this time, you will be asked several questions regarding your background, and experience with both designing requirements of test cases for IoT platforms and products and the testing approaches you have used.
Furthermore, we would like to conduct optional follow-up interviews with willing participants who have successfully completed the survey. The follow-up interview will take anywhere from 30 minutes - 1 hour, and all participants will be compensated $50 USD for participating in the interview phase.
If this message would best be directed or reposted somewhere, please let us know, and we will be happy to modify/repost it.
Thank you for considering participating in our research study!