Capability Location Mode (suddenly exists in Capability Taxonomy)

Is it my imagination, or was Capability Location Mode “just” (or very recently) added to the Taxonomy?:

And… Is this, by any chance, in response to the Security Concern that I raised a few weeks ago in the Developer Call?:


NB: The solution I suggested on the conference call was that Mode (and/or other semi-global variables) should be stored in any number of Virtual Device Instances, some created by default upon installation of the system, and thus be able to take advantage of the full granular (device instance level) security already in SmartThings.

And a helpful side effect of my suggested solution is that it introduces a “clean & consistent” way to support multiple concurrent Modes, each labeled for purpose via use of Virtual Device instance name (e.g., periodOfDay, occupancy, vacationState, season, armedState, saveTheAirAlertState …).


What’s the specs on Capability Location Mode (i.e., intended use), please?


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according to our vcs that capability was added in august 2013, not sure how it’s meant to be used if at all…

It’s funny how I suddenly notice these things, even though I seriously pull up the Capability Taxonomy page almost every day!!!

Any chance you can ask around and find out what the intention of it is? – No rush.

I also appreciate any comments regarding the security concern I have with the existing implementation of “location.mode” – also, no rush; but it would be great if someone could officially acknowledge it.


In theory it ought to be possible for it to have its mode set, but there is no method to do that. A virtual mode device with this capability can be created, but is basically worthless. IF there were a method to set the mode in such a device, that could be useful.

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I really like this idea… Could be better than a virtual switch.

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“virtual mode device” isn’t really useful Terminology, because “mode” isn’t ever a “physical” characteristic… It’s always virtual, right?

But I think we’re on the same page…
Folks are already using Virtual Switches as a good way to share status among SmartApps (since there are very few global variables… location.mode is really the one official global!

But I explain the issues with this, and the value of being able to instantiate multiple “mode” stores in the above post, but no response from ST yet.

And… It’s gone. Must have been gone for a long time.

Quite a mystery (and disappointment :frowning: ).