Cannot get Zemismart 2-gang wall switch to work

Thanks! I’m a programmer too, i’m current using your device handler,found a bug with my switch, i’m figuring out how to fix, when I turn on a child light, the parent light turns on too, in the smartthings application, hub v3

Yeah, it is a known bug of the device handler.
The good thing is that it only happens in the app and the parent light keeps turned off.
I wasn’t able to fix it with the current firmware of the device. I will keep it as a challenge for another developer.

@w35l3y hello man, Zemismart launched offical device handler for the devices !

It’s works fine, and you don’t need two different device handlers for parent and children, the parent light bug is fixed too.

Thanks for helping us, keep up with the good work!


That’s right.
I even have already created a pull request.

Mine is obsolete now.

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Does this DH works with this?

That is not really a switch, but a remote.

Have you tested it?

Hi @w35l3y
I have a zigbee module that can easily connected to smartthing and identify as “Thing”
It is 2 gangs switch that works in Tuya zigbee hub. These are the parameters i’m getting in IDE :

Data :

  • application: 41
  • endpointId: 01
  • manufacturer: _TZ3000_fvh3pjaz
  • model: TS0012
  • onOff: catchall
  • zigbeeNodeType: SLEEPY_END_DEVICE

Raw Description :
01 0104 0100 01 04 0000 0004 0005 0006 02 0019 000A

I can connect it to smartthing hub as a Thing and I changed the DTH to ZEMISMART Switch in IDE and it works very fine and I can control the switch both gangs from smartthings app but after 3 minutes both 2 switches switch OFF

I tried many times and same results, and I did follow your instruction to modify the DH for fingerprint and add my model name but unfortunately it didn’t work !
I do appreciate if any can give me any hints to solve this issue

Also I think the issue is in endpointId. for my switch is 01 and I believe i dont know how to modify DTH to get the correct endpointId of 01!!

ps: This is my switch

I only updated the touch version, but you may try to use it as well, as the touching doesn’t make any difference to neither DTH nor zigbee itself.

Change it just like you said you did it, good luck and let us know the result.

Thank you so much for your reply

I used this DTH and modified it for my device then pair it with ST Hub
it is paired correctly and got switch 1 and switch 2 and i can control lights correctly too but after 2 mins, both lights switch off!!

the log from switch 2 has an error:

The DTH should only be applied to the main device, not to its children.
The main device doesn’t have its device network id modified.

DTH of children should be “Child Switch Health”, but this is automatic as they are paired.

This is quite useful, do you know what is the difference between the (touch).groovy and the plain .groovy DTH? And these latest DTH no longer require virtual switches and the SmartApp?

Hi. I just got the 2 gang, and when i pair it to Smartthings i only get 1 switch.
Can u help me on the steps to get both?
Manually both of them works fine.

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