Can SmartThings work with QDR2 Zigbee Multi Channel Remote

This makes more sense - there’s not a lot of Zigbee blinds out there right now - Ikea is one of the few that I know about.

Those LOOK to be Somfy RTS. Somfy makes good motors. RTS is neither Zwave nor zigbee. It’s this: Somfy Window Shades & SmartThings Integration Guide for the year 2020! (ZRTSI) - Devices & Integrations - SmartThings Community If that’s the case you want the ZRTSI hub - and you add them according to the instructions in that thread. If they’re Zwave Somfys (my preferred - I buy mine from ZebraBlinds) they’ll add directly to SmartThings as 'Springs Window Fashions Shade’s no hub required.