Can anyone tell me how to make another device trip when the temp is high?

Can anyone tell me how to make another device trip when the temp is high? I want my fans to automatically activate when my Honeywell stat is about 74 for example.

Also, Does anyone have guidance for light switch time out such as the basement has been on for 2 hours and I want them to auto turn off

Add a smart app > Climate Control > Virtual Thermostat

Select the temp sensor and the switch for your fan. Set the temp you want the fan to turn on and set to “cool” (so it turns on whenever the temp gets above the value).

If you’re using the new app, you can do this with the custom automation creator.

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Got it, Any advice on auto turn off of lights (not using motion)

Smart Lighting can do most of your light management.

New Automation > Pick the light(s) you want to control > Turn Off > How: At a specific time OR Power Allowance (at the bottom) to turn them off after a specific amount of time being on.

Seem as thought the old app has some nuances that the new one does not, thanks for your help!