Bloomsky Weather Station ID Information

It is rather attractive! I did just have a successful call with support and they’re going to be sending me a replacement, yay! Hopefully I can use the same name and keep my devoted followers!

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The spreadsheet has been updated. Thx

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If you added mine as a favorite and I missed you please let me know and I’ll fix it (sorry).

Station Name: Bago Sky
Zip: 61088
My user name: john.l.cox


Thanks for the feedback. This sounds like a great device. I signed up for the community program but they appear to be out of stock for that right now, so I might pull the trigger and buy one.

Looking at the app this morning, and it only has me following four people, the ones I added yesterday. I checked two random ones from this thread that I was previously following, searched for them again, and the “star” was back indicating that I was not now following them; it’s tedious since search by name doesn’t work for me. I’ll wait a while before I go back in with the spreadsheet and re-follow everyone. Anyone else seeing this?

Can people check and see if it shows me following you (same name as on ST, mishakim) – I was following everyone in the thread as of yesterday morning except the couple that were off-line.

Hi @mishakim,

It does not show you following me (BelgarionBloom), but it does show that I am following you (misha’s weatherbot).

Thanks - you’re definitely one I was following, so I guess it’s not just my app missing info.
I’m still at 16 followers, same as yesterday, so hopefully this is an isolated problem.

Same as Belgarion. It does not show you following me (LaughingPlace), but it does show that I am following you (misha’s weatherbot).

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some followers dropped off from mine between Tuesday and yesterday… could be a coincidence, i guess

Thanks. I’ve addd back in everyone from the spreadsheet except the three that seem to be offline.


I must be doing something wrong. When I go back to I cannot save if I have webcam checked. What did you use for the camera id on that page?



I see you in my list. I am working my way though adding everyone in the spreadsheet. Is there an easy way to follow someone who follows you?

When I got in a similar situation, I removed everything, and tried again. When that didn’t work, I did it again and it eventually worked.

In my experience, once I got one or the other in there alone, I wasn’t able to get the other in after that. So, that’s why I just backed out everything and started over.

Thanks. I will try that.

Just add everyone in the list. Why’s everyone think this is tit for tat? Be generous! :grin:


The bloomsky/wunderground stuff is over here: BloomSky & Weather Underground

I just followed sgnihttrams’s directions in the first post :grin:

Head over to the Garlic Festival in Gilroy this year … LOL

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yup, that’s what I’ve been doing …

OK, who’s next? …

I am. I was just hoping for a quick way to add new new people who followed me. :smile:


OMG my wife would love it. They should have it outdoors during hayfever season. LOL

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[quote=“michaelahess, post:320, topic:39261”]
Just add everyone in the list. Why’s everyone think this is tit for tat? Be generous! :grin:
[/quote]I appreciate that sentiment. Likely, people don’t mean it the way it comes across, but “I’ll follow anyone who follows me” is really annoying. Just go through the list from Post #1 and follow them; trust that it’ll be returned in kind.