Bloomsky Weather Station ID Information

For the record, if anyone reading this thread does not see my BloomSky ID (programmerdave66) in their “Favorited By” list, send me a private message with your Station Name and BloomSky ID and I will add you.

My belief is that I have already added everyone on this thread.

Thx :slightly_smiling:

Same here If garlicburger isn’t in your list let me know. I’m working my way through. I think i’m at number 66 now.

hi sorry im new here and have two stations,can they be added to a list anywhere? station names, Old South School,


Hi, I favorited both your stations :smile:

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Verified (favorited) and added both of your stations to the spreadsheet.


Ok i got you,im PS63Q SABERONYX

Looks like we have a lot of new BloomSky owners. I’ll try to get you guys favorited ASAP. I’ve been a little under the “weather” :joy:

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Line 68 on the spreadsheet “psasky” is now back online… thankfully…

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ok gotcha…im PS63Q SABERONYX


ok im new i just added you,im …

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how many followers is bloomsky expecting each of us to have?

Well, I’m not exactly sure if it’s a hard-fast rule in the agreement, but in the initial questionairre, one of the points said something like, “I know at least 20 people that will follow my BloomSky” (obviously, I still have the real text, but not looking it up at the moment).

I reread the email they said to “Try and get at least 25”

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thanks. 20 characters

I just checked the original sign-up page, and it was what I thought…

I know at least 20 folks who will want to follow the weather at my location!
hint: that’s what we actually agreed to.

Also, they’re going to start the community outreach program again in a month or two (stated as of 2/18).
Here the LINK.

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here is the email they sent

Thank you for agreeing to the BloomSky Partnership Agreement; we hope you enjoy using the BloomSky!

Please use coupon code at the link below to place your order:

Below is a copy of the Partnership Agreement for your records.

"In consideration for BloomSky providing you or the organization/company you represent a BloomSky Outdoor Weather Station, Solar Panel, and Mounting Kit, you agree to support BloomSky’s goal to build out a crowdsourced weather network that is of value to your local community and the broader BloomSky user community.

Bloomsky agrees to waive the standard purchase price for the BloomSky equipment provided you set up the BloomSky within 7 days of receipt, or, if you are unable to do so for any reason, notify your BloomSky contact to make new arrangements. You must notify BloomSky once you have activated the BloomSky Weather Station.*

If you fail to either set up the device or make new arrangements with BloomSky within 7 days of receipt of the BloomSky equipment, you must return the BloomSky equipment in undamaged condition within 10 days or you will be charged the full price ($269) for the Bloomsky equipment.

You agree to maintain the BloomSky Weather Station by keeping it plugged into its solar power, on a stable wifi connection, and set to “Public” for a minimum of six months. If you are unable to maintain the BloomSky Weather Station for any reason within the 6 month period, you must notify BloomSky to make alternative arrangements.

You will make every effort to let your community know about your BloomSky Weather Station and that they can follow your weather through the free BloomSky app (available on iOS and Android). This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Using any communication channels including social media, email newsletters, and posting printed materials to notify community members/family/friends that you’ve now joined the BloomSky network.

  • Using the BloomSky Weather Station in curriculums and at events, as is relevant to your organization.

  • Educating friends/family/colleagues/interested community members about the free BloomSky app as the primary means for following your station and discovering others.
    **Try to have 25 or more community members following your weather station.

    You can contact BloomSky for ideas of how the service may benefit your community, and training on how to use our device.

I think the key word there is “Try” with that in mind they have no way of enforcing that number since it was not a hard set number. Posting your ID information here constitutes “Trying”.

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perfect, thanks for the clarification