I have a mix of contact sensors, quite a few of them are these, and the battery drain issue hits some of all of them, regardless of type/variety.
The extreme battery drain issue has been well documented for quite some time, and from my experience, has nothing to do with what driver is in use… I have tried them all.
The SmartThings folks just aren’t quiet smart enough to go back and revert whatever feature enhancement/change injected the battery drain issue on their end.
In the meantime, to save money on batteries, I have reverted to using rechargeable batteries on the impacted contact and moisture sensors. This unfortunately means changing the batteries about 6 times more frequently as opposed to about 3 times as frequently with regular batteries ($) on the impacted sensors. When compared to the 1.5 year life I got when these were working correctly and with my sensors that are still working correctly, I am stuck changing batteries every 10 to 30 days on the impacted sensors.