Meanwhile, most of the people using Arduino with SmartThings discuss projects in the following topic. There’s some community-contributed code to jumpstart development, and I’m sure people would be happy to help with code once you find a panel you like.
1/16/16 - Updated to reflect recent ST IDE nomenclature changes and v2 SmartThings Phone App image.
Just a heads up - The current Arduino IDE 1.6.6 has a bug in it which throws a compiler error (invalid namespace) when trying to build ST_Anything. Please continue to use v1.6.5 until 1.6.7 is released. You can use the latest “Hourly Build” of the 1.6.7 IDE as well, since I have confirmed the bug has been fixed in that version, as of 11/28/15.
I am happy to share with the SmartThings Community a project that my son and I have been working on for the past two weeks - ST_Anything! Our goal was to make it as easy as possible for anyone with some Arduino hardware/software skills to be able to get a new “Device” up and running in a matter of minutes versus hours/days. We have implemented many…
Also, this FAQ might be of interest as an overview of how you would install code someone gave you:
The original FAQ information in this thread refers to the original smartthings architecture, which was in place through the end of 2022 and a little beyond. Custom code was written in the groovy programming language and ran in the smartthings cloud.
As of May 2023, you can no longer add new Groovy DTH‘s or smartapps to your smartthings account. So if you came here because of a link in an old forum thread, or on another site, I’m afraid the Groovy information is no longer usable.
All of this was replaced by a new architecture. Cloud to cloud integrations use the smartthings API. Hub connected devices, mostly Zigbee and zwave, now use “Edge Drivers,” written in the LUA programming language. Here’s the official announcement on those:
The process for using a custom Edge Driver in the new …