The hub is only required for zigbee or zwave devices, you don’t need it for the Arlo Integration. It was recently rewritten to go with the new architecture.
Today we are launching a new version of our Arlo integration, which adds support for more Arlo devices, improves stability, and reduces latency for faster viewing of your camera or video doorbell clips. It is now accessible through the SmartThings app catalog.
This is our first launch of an integration built in partnership with Arlo on SmartThings Schema. This new integration supports more of Arlo’s newest devices, as well as existing devices that were supported through the existing Groovy cloud-to-cloud integration. Over the next few weeks, SmartThings will migrate Arlo users to the new integration without any impact to their existing devices or automations. We will inform you before that migration begins.
What devices does the new integration support?
Existing Integration
New Inte…