Aqara Light Sensor not working properly

@Seojune I just want to let you know what I did for the light sensor to work again:
I borrow an Aqara hub from a friend, first I paired the T1 Light Sensor (without deleting from SmartThings), just did the 5 seconds press on the sensor, I paired, I confirmed firmware version (it was the same than yours) and also confirmed it was working fine in the Aqara App, then I deleted from the Aqara App and add it again to Smartthings, nothing changed. I decided to give it another chance, this time I deleted first from SmartThings, then the 5 seconds press, and when it was successfully paired to Aqara hub I went and changed the time detection settings, then unpaired from Aqara, leave it for around 30 minutes and then paired again to Smartthings, this time the Senor started to work as expected, and has been working fine for the last 12 hours. So I don’t know what issue in SmartThings caused the sensor to stop working but looks like changing the time settings on the Aqara App solved the issue. Thanks again for your support!