Aqara Motion sensor P1 Detection frequency

Dear Community!

I have a sensor, as indicated in the title, which has a detection frequency section in the settings. It is now set to 1 minute and can be changed to different values, 30sec, 2 minutes etc. I have tried to change the value but due to a network/server error I cannot make the change.

It would be important because I think this is the source of the problem of running an automatism.

The automatism looks at movement and brightness and if there is movement and the brightness is below a specified lux it turns on a light. I noticed in the log that sometimes when for some inexplicable reason the lamp doesn’t turn on then it only sends a motion update, not a brightness update. Is it possible that because of this time interval it does not retrieve this data again?

The samsung zigbee motion sensor driver is associated with it.


Hy Guys!

Somebody, any idea about this topic? :slight_smile:

The Aqara Motion Sensor is sleeping and the device does not accept new settings. The device may have a Reset button, which can be used to wake up the device to receive new settings. Check the device’s manual to see if it tells you how to wake up the device.

Thanks a lot! According to the manufacturer’s description, the reset button resets the device after 5 seconds, and a short press of the button checks the optimal distance from the hub. I tried it and after the short press it seems to have been changed. What do you think would be the optimal time interval in this case, or should I ask this question on the automation forum instead?

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