Anyone used an Arduino and Xbee Pro board to extended Zigbee Mesh Range?


Just an update on today’s testing and tinkering.

So to back up a little I am using the Chip and USB adapter referneced further up in this thread. To try and get Zigbee function inside of my shed which is approximately 100 feet from my house. I didn’t think Iris plugs would reach that far, so that’s why I’m here.

Here is the Chip I am using hooked up to the USB adapter and a Long rang antenna.

I then used the information on this site
to get the radio to be found by smartthings by manually sending the appropriate data back to the hub. It showed up as a “Thing” when I was done.

He then suggested using a DTH to get the device to talk to smartthings as a zigbee switch. His code would not work so I went and modified the generic Zigbee Switch DTH on smartthings public Github. I then went into my account and switched the DTH of the “thing” (XBee Radio) to the DTH I just created. It doesn’t really work as I had no idea what I was doing. It does work well enough you can see the data packets being sent to the radio when you toggle the device in the mobile app. The endpoint ID is 08 and the command was Off so 00

Also the Iris sensor ( Blue (EF89) is connected to the Xbee Radio (Green 639C)

And you can see the motion sensor was reporting to smartthings while I was in the Shed (Hopefully via this path, not sure how else)

So today I tried changing the parameters you suggested DI06 and DI07. It made no difference in the operation of the radio when it is connected to a laptop.

So I put settings back and then plugged the radio in to a laptop that DID NOT have the USB drivers installed. Low and behold the radio would not work. The associate light stayed constant blue, just like when using a USB power plug.

I then went back to the original laptop and hooked the radio up, it connected. So I took voltage readings on the pins of the USB adapter when it was hooked to the laptop and when it was hooked to a plain power port.

Only 2 pins readings are different in both situations. Both the RTSn and the DTRn pins are LOW when the radio is on the laptop (with driver installed) and associated (flashing blue light). While on the USB power plug both these pins are HIGH (3.2 volts), and solid blue associate light.

So one has to assume the USB comm board is pulling these 2 pins low when it talks to the USB driver in the laptop.

I need to do some testing with the radio chip out of the USB adapter. I am going to hold off on that until my second (on order) hardware arrives. I want to be able to scan the Zigbee mesh with one radio while I experiment with the other radio

I am thinking of trying with the Xbee radio out of the adapter and only 3.3 volts and Vss wired up. Also wondering what would happen if I had the Xbee radio in the USB adapter and I pull the RTSn and DTRn pins low to VSS? Might let the smoke out of everything?

I now realize this is all futile. I could have probably just used some other board to power the radio and do the communications through the radio for me. Too late now I’m in the rabbit hole and going to keep tinkering out of curiosity now. It’s turned into a self education experience now.

So I’m in a holding pattern for a week or so. Parts don’t get here till Monday then work and such.

If anyone has any ideas on how to get the radio to function (associate) in the USB adapter when it’s hooked up to just 5 volt USB wall wart. I would LOVE to hear from you.

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