Wanted to know if anyone had managed to find a successful entry and exit delays yet or a workaround??
I’m not 100% sure what you mean, but in the routines for setting hme or away you can do something like this.
Exit delays are easy, thought they all require installing some custom code. You can configure a virtual switch (or some other action) to wait some time and then arm SHM.
Entry delays are not currently supported by SHM, and I don’t know of a reasonable workaround. It’s a significant issue and that we have all been asking for since SHM was released.
OP is probably referring to delays before Smart Home Monitor alerts are triggered. I think some people are using a modified version of the community smartapps smart alarm and user lock manager with the iris security keypad. I believe it makes exit delays possible, not sure about entry delays.
If you search for some of those keywords you’ll find the thread on this forum.