Hi all,
I’ve been using Webcore in conjunction with Smartthings for a short while now. Love the ease of setting up pistons and the wonderful people so quick to assist both here and the WC community.
I’ve got several pistons that rely on presence of both my phone and my gf’s phone to act as triggers to start them. I’ve always been an iPhone guy, but after using it exclusively since it debuted, iOS has grown a bit stale for me and I recently decided to dip my toe in to Android with the Pixel 3. My home is also all Nest/Google home devices linked with ST, so the integration is awesome.
Here is my problem (finally, right?): since replacing my iPhone I’ve noticed that the pistons that rely on my phone’s presence to start are super delayed. An example is a simple one I have set up that opens my garage when my phone changes to present. With my iPhone it was perfect–almost too perfect. I even had to set up wait statements and tighten the circumference around my house to delay it because it would open so early.
However, now that I have my Pixel I usually am sitting in my driveway for several minutes–no exaggerating–before it opens (if it even does before I get frustrated and push the button, which is usually the case). And sometimes even after I push the button to get inside then close the door, it will reopen a couple minutes later because my presence finally changed. I even broadened the arrival circumference and removed all wait statements and still the same behaviour.
I’ll literally be in house for several minites, connected to my home wifi, and open the ST app and my phone shows as away. I’ve removed and readded the phone as a presence sensor in ST and even setup fresh pistons to test, but nope.
Like I mentioned I never had an issue with iOS and my gf has an iPhone and the pistons I set up for her kick off flawlessly when she arrives.
I’ll also post this on WC forum to see if anyone has an idea, but hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
My fear is it is just a limitation of how Android handles location, but I have the Smartthings app set up to always run in background with access to location as I know there is a setting like battery saver or something that could affect it.
Don’t get me wrong. I love the phone. It’s been a really good transition apart from this, but I’m hoping someone can help me figure it out, because it is really frustrating.
Thanks in advance.