For starters, what I’m looking for is a REST endpoint that I can access to perform dimming commands. The example application commonly used here only supports on/off commands. In the Amazon Echo thread it was suggested that the ThingLayer SmartApp might allow for dimming via a REST call. I’ve installed the application but couldn’t get it to work, but I might be doing something dumb. In order to troubleshoot this I recorded a detailed step-by-step procedure for installing the app. As a sanity check I’m going to post it here for review:
I think I should further clarify: this has nothing whatsoever to do with ThingLayer itself. All we’re after is a way to send one or more ST-controlled devices a command to turn on, off, or dim (from 0-100 or 0-255) via HTTP request. The amazon-echo-ha-bridge will call this HTTP request in response to commands issued by the echo.
Some Background
The amazon-echo-ha-bridge application takes a JSON device creation request and uses it to emulate a hybrid Hue/WeMo device that the Amazon Echo is able to discover and control. A typical configuration would look like this:
in the “on” url just replace the brightness with ${intensity.percent} or ${intensity.byte} (for 0-255)
So then I was looking for a way to send the “${intensity.percent}” value in my URL. @DarcRanger noted that he was able to use the following format to access dimming:
Using the App Endpoint Access app I found that the “level” API is not implemented. I asked about this, and in this post he suggested it might have been ThingLayer that he installed to get the “level” API.
So that is why people are posting about ThingLayer and Amazon Echo. I have little to no code expertise and I’m looking for a way to access dimmers via a URL, and the ThingLayer smartapp was suggested as a means to that end.
Update: I’ve found an endpoint application that will allow me to submit a dimmer value between 0-100 which is required by the amazon-echo-ha-bridge tool I’m using for Amazon Echo integration. This means that I won’t be needing the ThingLayer endpoint, but I really do appreciate you taking the time to help me out @jody.albritton
My problems are mostly with response. I’ve had far too many problems with response from smartThings that I’ve stopped trying to implement anything until hub V2 comes out.
To use this with the Echo, I created a virtual dimmer switch and a simple smart app that copies the dimmer level to the thermostat. So I can say “Alexa set thermostat to 72” She then does just that