Playing around with Amazon Echo (technical interface discussion)

I got full dimming support working! All I was missing was an endpoint application that would support dimmer values from 0-100. I’ve checked out a few options including ThingLayer and SmartTiles but couldn’t get the API I needed. I did however find an older version of SmartTiles back when it was called ActiON. Deploying that app gave me the API access I need. I’m using the following device definition for amazon-echo-ha-bridge along with ActiON 3.0 and now I can dim my lamps with Echo:

"name" : "Kitchen Lights",
"deviceType" : "switch",
"onUrl" : "[Installation ID]/command/?access_token=[Access Token]&type=dimmer&id=[Device ID]&value=${intensity.percent}",
"offUrl" : "[Installation ID]/command/?access_token=[Access Token]&type=dimmer&id=[Device ID]&value=0"

Thank you @tgauchat and @DarcRanger and @jody.albritton and everyone else that threw me some suggestions!