I need help please. I have a Groovy IDE account and installed some SmartApps and all was working well until I installed the Echo Speaks and Alexa based SmartApps - now when I log in, all my info is missing and the site says I have nothing registered, not even my Hub 3, which is strange.
Any help as to how I can get my details back? Also, is there a way to uninstall these SmartApps in the SmartThings app itself, as I am unable to do it.
Hi, thanks for the tip mate, it is working now. Not sure what happened earlier. I finally removed those apps, but having issues removing the “Ask Alexa” app as it says many people are using it so can’t delete it…strange !
Also, do you know about integrating Yale Alarm to SmartThings, or getting a Smarthing device, eg a multipurpose sensor to trigger an Alexa device?