Alexa only device access from ST

Is there a way we can access Alexa discovered device from ST via Alexa?

Alexa has skills for way more cloud enabled smart devices which does not directly integrates with ST. We can then turn on and off those devices from alexa, but can we do same from ST?

For Example creating a virtual switch per device in Alexa( from those skills ) and somehow when we turn on/off these virtual switch in ST, same synced switch in Alexa get operated?

Can we do this? Using say CORE or Echosistant or anything else?

Lol, yeah shouting via Lannouncer/talker would work :slight_smile:

Alexa supports quite a few skills for Smart home devices, I was talking about eWelink in particular. It’s pretty cheap and Alexa can operate it on/off, but there’s no direct integration from ST to eWelink cloud that I could found.

not via alexa, but you may be able to via IFTTT or Stringify

Do ewelink has IFTTT support? I couldn’t find any doc/url for it. Can you please point me towards it?
Stingify doesn’t have ewelink either.

I have no idea