Thanks for the compliments and giving Ask Alexa another chance. I post a Friday update every week here ([RELEASE] Ask Alexa) that you should keep an eye on. While the last version cut the copying and pasting down in the Lambda area, the next release (next year) will focus on the Developer area. I will cut the copy/pasting down to one action for all of the data required to personalize this area (this was previously over 10 copy/pastes).
As for me, I got the new Amazon Spots for Christmas…these are fantastic little devices that sound better than the Dots, but not as good as the Shows. They are perfect for a bedroom where a Show might be too bright or too much screen.
Finally, I am glad you like the virtual switch creator. For those that are not familiar with it, here is the link: [RELEASE] Alexa Virtual Switch Creator.
Again, thank you for the comments. It sounds like you are ‘hooked’ into the smart house addiction!