A pretty slick update to the Alexa app today. Smart Home stuff is arranged much better now. Much easier to set things up.
I like it.
A pretty slick update to the Alexa app today. Smart Home stuff is arranged much better now. Much easier to set things up.
I like it.
Nice! looks pretty slick.
The article says bluetooth speakers can be added to multi-room audio groups now.
yeah, i don’t get that. Don’t bluetooth speakers have to be connected to an echo device? And couldn’t said echo device be included in multi-room before?
Yes, but previously when you started multi-room audio all bluetooth connections ceased to function, including using an Echo remote.
ah, intresting. So it would play from the echo device’s speaker instead of the Bluetooth speaker?
That or a speaker connected via an auxiliary cord.
Amazon is still playing catch up, but they’re adding features at a very fast pace. I could see the Alexa app having a complex rules engine in the near future, maybe over the next year or so…