Alarm Entry Delay using webCoRE

If you are confused on how this works, then writing your own Piston is going to be challenging. You have to create Virtual Contacts and link those with the Physical Contacts. You have to set up the Piston properly and hope that you get it right.

All of this work is done in Arn’s App…It works exactly like what you are requesting.

Just use it and be done with it.


Ok. Thanks your thoughts all. I’ll do a bit of experimenting and report back my results in a few weeks.

Second Version of Smart Alarm Device /Type for a Second Version of Smart Alarm Device /Type for a Status Dashboard Dashboard

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I thought I would report back with my end result.

I ended up opting for a somewhat unconventional plan but on testing, seems pretty solid.

I used TWO Belkin Wemo sockets. One with nothing plugged in. The other with my siren plugged in (both on a 2-way extension). When an intrusion is detected, the ‘empty’ WeMo turns on and begins a 30 second countdown. When it turns off… this activates the 2nd WeMo with the siren.

I may be mistaken but I believe the ST hub can activate WeMo without the cloud so I’m happy with that.

Thanks again for your thoughts everyone.

I do like @arnb’s smartapp. The only part of it that did not work for me was the buzzer sound for entry and exit delay. I have a piezo buzzer connected to my Konnected system that is controlled by SHM. I wanted the buzzer to sound for 30 seconds for entry/exit delay. With @arnb’s smartapp, the response from the buzzer was quite variable from 1 second to several seconds to none at all. See [Release] SHM Delay Version 2.0 I am going to use @arnb’s smartapp for the heavy lifting and write webcore pistons to manage the buzzer. I hope this works. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

If WebCore allows you to subscribe to user created events, my gut says it does not, its quite simple.
Subscribe to location event shmdelaytalk (event created by SHM Delay)
Then check for the following in the event value field
entryDelay - event data has the delay in seconds
exitDelay (keypad created exit delay - system is not armed) - event data has the delay in seconds
exitDelayNkypd (non keypad created exit delay - system is armed) - event data has the delay in seconds
and if one of above values is true, set buzzer on for delay seconds

You may want to subscribe to the alarm status change to catch an arming cancel, and a disarm at entry
When it changes to disarmed/off, set buzzer off


If you have a keypad you can monitor the device attribute “armMode” for:
disarmed, armedAway, armedStay, armedNight, entryDelay, exitDelay

If none of the above work for you, modify module SHM Delay Talker to a stand alone smart app controlling the buzzer.

Thanks for the help. Your smartapp is SWEET and I appreciate your work there. I did some digging and apparently webcore can subscribe to custom events. See Subscribe to event
But I am not sure I completely understand how to incorporate your suggestions into webcore code. Can you give me a short example of the webcore code referencing the above link? Many thanks.

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Suggest asking in the WebCore community forum at

@arnb I followed all your instructions for the SHM delay but when on my phone I try to setup the new delay profile it just spins. i have tried on two devices and no luck. I have deleted everything and reinstalled but still no luck. Any ideas?

Assuming you are using the Classic phoneapp, you may get some information or error messages by opening IDE Logging function while attempting to create a delay profile.

yes I am using the classic app

So now I got to the second screen SHM Delay Child but when i select ehe Real contact and simulated contact and hit “next” it does nothing

I am unable to remotely diagnose what appeas to be a ST Smartapp system problem, or perhaps some unknown loop. Please try using the IDE logging to get any error messages, or contact support.