Airconditioning powerConsumptionReport for HomeAssistant

Is there a way to schedule the generation of a powerConsumptionReport from an Samsung A/C? I see there is this report but the last time generated is dated back to 2022 and i want to read the actual powerusage so i can use this in HomeAssistant.
Device ID DA-AC-RAC-000003

Hi, @koentjuh195

Are you able to see the “powerConsumptionReport” in the SmartThings app? You could subscribe to the capability if Home Assistant uses an OAuth integration or SmartApp but the capability must be updated on the API side.
Have you seen if the device has any configuration available in the app related to update this value?

Samsung devices use the OCF protocol and the communication is mostly from the app to the physical device, so, you may see information in the app that isn’t present in the API. The device manufacturer must explicitly expose this information to the capability.

Hi Nayelyz,

Where should I be able to find the powerConsumptionReport in the SmartThings app if it was available? For as far i can see, only usage and self-check is available in the app.

But in Samsung account there is an attribute called “powerConsumptionReport” which i am referring to.
This attribute is correctly read by HomeAssistant, only it contains outdated values.

So the report exists in the API, but I don’t see any reference to it in the app.