Hi! I got an old Air Conditioner Samsung aqv12ewcn and i can’t connect it thru wifi. Smartthings dosen’t support this device and i don’t know how to do it manual. Ther is wifi icon on pilot and on device so why i can’t conect it? I try everything pls help.
Based on manuals I found on web, this model don’t have WiFi. The icon is probably for IR remote.
If you want to add AC to Smartthings buy this IR device that connect to WiFi. You can add it to Smartthings (I use one of this and it works).
How are you conning the Tuya IR Remote to SmartThings?
Since it is WiFi I am assuming you connect it to the Tuya app 1st.
Do the devices bring controlled show up in ST or are you using a work around?
Yes, 1st you need to connect it to Tuya app and add devices you want to controll. Than connect Tuya account with Smartthings and it will show up all devices you sett up for IR controlling in tuya.
It looks like this (Heater and TV):
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Thx! I will bay ir remote and we shall see.