Aeon Labs ZW095-A - Z-Wave Plus - Home Energy Meter Gen 5

I changed the preferences section to fix the configuration page error. I believe the range specifier syntax was the problem.

	preferences {
	input("kWhCost", "string",
		title: "Electric Bill Cost Per KWh (dollars)",
		description: "Electric Bill Cost Per KWh (dollars)",
		defaultValue: "0.19514" as String,
		required: false,
		displayDuringSetup: true)
	input("monitorInterval1", "integer",
		title: "Voltage and Energy Report Interval (s)",
		description: "Voltage and Energy Report Interval (s)",
		defaultValue: 60,
		range: "1..3600",
		required: false,
		displayDuringSetup: true)
	input("monitorInterval2", "integer",
		title: "Current Report Interval (s)",
		description: "Current Report Interval (s)",
		defaultValue: 30,
		range: "1..3600",
		required: false,
		displayDuringSetup: true)
	input("monitorInterval3", "integer",
		title: "Power Report Interval (s)",
		description: "Power Report Interval (s)",
		defaultValue: 6,
		range: "1..3600",
		required: false,
		displayDuringSetup: true)