Aeon Labs Micro Smart Switch stopped working today after being automatically migrated to edge

I had this Aeon Labs Micro Smart Switch in ZWave since over 5 years. This turns a light on and reports the energy. Looks like today it was automatically migrated to the edge Z-Wave swich driver is from Smartthings, driver version 02/14/2023. When I click on select different driver it displays no results are found. The interesting thing is that I have another one just like this that was not changed. What do I need to do to get this working again? Is there another driver I need to enable and try? Or I’m supposed to open some kind of ticket? I hope this is the right place to ask, if not please guide me. Thanks in advance for your response.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Z-wave devices just stopped working throughout the house (14 Feb 2023)