I’m looking for the same thing, but for different application. I would like to add an “In Vehicle” - “Out Vehicle” switch into a virtual presence sensor. The purpose would be so I can identify if a person is “Away” and “In Vehicle” then they are driving, so when that users returns “Home” (presence changes), then my Garage door automation will know to open the garage door and so on.
I use the Tasker/Autolocation/Sharptools method which then reports presence state to a virtual/simulated presence sensor.
The same tools (Tasker/Sharptools) can easily determine when my phone or any other Family member’s phone connects to BT in the vehicle.
Currently, I accomplish the same result using WebCore logic to determine when these two devices (presence/virtual switch) are related. So, basically, I have each member’s presence as “Firstname” and their BT connect switch as “Vehicle_Firstname”, then I parse the Name in an expression that determines which switch to be look for IN/OUT Vehicle state based on the result of that expression parse.
Its not really complicated, but it would certainly be much cleaner if there were a Presence sensor that had a simple ON/OFF switch capability added to it. Plus, it would be more visually functional as the persons presences would have a “vehicle” or “driving” status right next to it.