Activate entertainment center from iPhone

I have a Logiteh Harmony 650 that does a series of commands that turns on the entertainment center, turns on tv, apple tv, lights, et cetera. This all takes a while. I would like to be able to start this process from another room using my iPhone. Is there a way to make this happen? Perhaps a IR device that can be activated via wi-fi that can perform these same functions as my harmony does? (All IR, no RF)

Many thanks,

While not inexpensive (all-in), you could use an IR repeater. Since you need to flash IR to many devices, I’d consider a Niles (or similar) IR Repeater.

I use this Niles Repeater. I have emitters attached to the IR sensors of my rack of gear (satellite receivers, various players etc.) I have small IR receivers in 3 rooms below flat screen TVs. Any remote used in any of these 3 rooms, flash all racked gear with IR. Only the proper device(s) respond. Works flawlessly.

If your setup is simple then the Niles repeater might be overkill. Since you’re already a Harmony user, I’d look into the newer Home remotes. I have two Harmony Home Control (better than Ultimate IMO), and they’re $30 more than the Niles. They work with the included remote or via a phone app, and they integrate with ST (still in beta, but I can control lights via Harmony and sometimes Harmony via ST).

IMHO, the 2 best methods for integrating A/V gear with HA and mobile devices are Logitech Harmony Home and Global Caché iTachs.

If you’re an out of boxer, the Harmony system (as you most likely know already) is simple to set up and use, but is opaque and not without a number of restrictions.

If you’re more of a tinkerer, the iTachs are of open architecture, with an API that is essential without limits, and support any device that can connect over IP, including computers and mobile devices. Excellent mobile device support exists on iOS with apps such as iRule and Roomie. And while the SmartThings app is capable of sending commands to iTachs, it is so slow and kludgey I doubt you would want to use that as a control device.