A simple way to get alerts when your doorbell is rung

The use of one or more Modes ("location.mode") is the common paradigm established by SmartThings, but it is a rather limited feature since only one mode can be active at a time. It is really difficult to accommodate different use categories (home, away, night, day, do not disturb, armed, disarmed…) in only one global Mode. (NB: Technically there is one mode for each Location on your Account … since a single Account can have multiple hubs, and the hubs may be at distinct locations).

The two alternatives that I consider:

  • Use a start / end schedule preference in the SmartApp that links button to sound.

  • Add a Virtual Switch Device to turn “Do Not Disturb” on and off. A separate SmartApp could flip this switch based on a schedule or various other criteria (such as when you are in the bathroom, as detected by a Motion Sensor)? The possibilities are endless.

I prefer the second approach because it allows easy manual override, and you can link multiple SmartApps to the same switch (or similar Switches) to handle arbitrarily complex useful scenarios. Perhaps the switch activates a red Hue bulb to indicate that “do not disturb” is active,… Etc., etc.

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