A Note for Wink device users updating the device firmware with a Wink Hub

I was referring to the Wink hub, which also has not received any Link updates :frowning:

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If you find out, let us know! Not that we can do anything about it with ST at the moment but it’s good to know if an update is ever released!

Do you know what issue they are fixing?

Where the GE Links would randomly drop off the network/stop responding.

They will never update firmware for Wink/Quirky items. If it’s not on the approved partner list it will never get updated.

And I doubt the GE link bulbs will ever have an update considering it’s a discontinued item.

My wink hub is updated to 2.49. Above is what my GE link bulbs say. Not sure what it was before

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Just in case anyone is interested, here is a listing of the OTA images in the current 2.49 Wink firmware:

./root/platform/zigbee-ota-images ./root/platform/zigbee-ota-images/ETI_Downlight-v12-GA.ota ./root/platform/zigbee-ota-images/zhaOutlet_smartOutlet_12_18_2014_0x01020007.ota ./root/platform/zigbee-ota-images/zhaRGBW_EF_YK02_10_02_15_EZmode151015.ota ./root/platform/zigbee-ota-images/zhaSwitch_smartSwitch_1.2.1.16.ota ./root/platform/zigbee-ota-images/Tripper_0X18.ota
The zhaSwitch is the Tapt, zhaOutlet is Outlink. Not sure what the RGBW light is…

Note that there is still not a GE Link firmware :frowning:

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is it possible to pull those and have a way to flash it another way without buying a wink?

Possible? Probably, but not with just ST at the moment. I can certainly pull them, but as of now you would still need additional hardware to flash the devices.

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