Web Dashboard 2.0

You can put hello home actions already, if you create a virtual switch for them.


Awesome, this will do for the time being. However, I still see the merits of having an icon that operates similar to the mode icon, so that I can choose from a pop-up menu, rather than needing 5 different buttons, all for a different hello home phrase.

WOW! Another great find in the smart apps section of the ST Community!

My daughter didn’t like the looks of the ST APP to try to control her light in her bedroom, I’ll set her a page for her light and a few other things she can do, she’ll like this a lot more!

My brother is heading into town for the weekend, I’m going to setup a page for him so he can control limited parts of the system from his iPad while he’s staying at my place. I really see the benefit of this for guests, it let’s them have some control instead of feeling like their being held captive by my control of my smart house.

I like that I can take control away just by UNINSTALLING the APP.

@625alex has accomplished an amazing thing with this app. It’s one of the most requested ST features and he’s contributed it. With some help from other developers or the ST team this app will be able to replace all functions of the every day user.

There is a similar app that is equally as cool, however it’s not as easy to setup or like you said easily deploy additional dashboards on the fly for guest etc.

I agree. Loved Dashboard 1.0 for the same reason and it just gets better with 2.0. The real beauty is security is NOT compromised. You don’t have to divulge your credentials and access is easily rescinded.

Sorry to use up forum bandwidth, but I feel compelled to give @625alex the accolades he deserves.


After seeing what this looks like on my iPhone 6+, I have to agree.

Can someone help me with the steps on how to install/use the app. I am missing a step.

  • I have created a dummy app, enabled oauth (not sure how to use)
  • edited and pasted the provided code in.
  • published
  • within android app, added new app, selecting my app > web Dashboard 2.
  • but now what? Going to the app, clicking on it does nothing.

I go to the log tab in the IDE, but it is ALWAYS blank, so not certain what to do here (a reference was made to needing to get some url from this location).

What step am I missing?

Make sure you have the log open on your computer and then go through SmartApp on your phone. The log file should then output your link correctly. If the log file isn’t open when you use the SmartApp, the log text isn’t recorded.

You should see messages from other SmartApps and devices in the log as well if you wait a bit. If you want to make sure the log is working, you can try turning on some switches in your app as a test case.

Sounds like you did it all right, except you need to have the log window open first and leave it open. Do the rest in another tab or window and then after your done come back to the log window/tab and one of the tab lines will look something like this


That is the url you want to keep to access your dashboard web interface

You don’t even need to bother with the mobile app. Just open the log in a tab, then in another tab open the smartApp. Go through the options in the preferences box on the right (after selecting location) on the smartApp and click “update”, and you’ll get the url in the log.

Thanks everyone for the help. Looks like the ultimate culprit was my office network/firewall is blocking the log screen from refreshing, thus was always blank. As soon as I remoted into home computer, it was fine. On flip side, could not do any changes/editing via ipad as it doesn’t work well with the IDE editor, thus had to fall back to computer.

Last question: The url … what security risk is there for that since it doesn’t authenticate the user/device?

If you have the access token, you’re in.

Sorry for not following. But if I take the url, form of https://graph.api.smartthings.com/api/smartapps/installations/1111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111/ui or the addition of token (https://graph.api.smartthings.com/api/smartapps/installations/1111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111/ui?access_token=2222222-2222-2222-2222-2222222) from different computers, never prompted for authorization. I was expecting first one to at least prompt me. Haven’t worked with OAuth before, so my expectations/understanding is off.

I also tried re-editing the device type and changing the OAuth keys. Every time I go in, the OAuth section is collapsed (suggesting to me it is off…probably just a UI thing).

That’s not what I see. No token (or even editing just 1 char in it) = no access. Sure you don’t have some kind of browser cache going on here?

I am clicking the [ + ] in ST, selecting the My App > Web Dashboard 2.0 (that was added via IDE into custom apps), then configuring it. Going to log, I see URL. That url, if I take to any machine can run it. I thought the OAuth would prevent that from happening? URL includes the access_token. But even stripping that portion out, it still can be accessed. Guess my concern is me sharing the URL with Wife or family member and somehow it gets exposed to other’s.

Any way to initiate “hello home” actions from the dashboard?

Like I said previously… not here. No token (or wrong token), and I get “Authentication required”.

So looks like if you are logged into the IDE on a machine, then it doesn’t prompt you.

Side question, if I create a dashboard from my phone and provide wife with URL, can she use her login? If not, then just means I will have to help her setup her own dashboard rather than customize it for her.

if you provide the full link to your wife or anyone, no login in needed. The login happens automatically based on the access token and info in that url
