About the Devices & Integrations category

This is where we can discuss any number of things that can connect to the Internet, and thus SmartThings. This is the parent category for all such device discussions.

Here is the current compatible devices page. It represents a subset of the hundreds of devices that will work but these have been deemed the most ready.

Here is the old list devices that have been tested and know to work with SmartThings.

If you are a device maker and would like your device integrated and certified with SmartThings, please complete the Device Certification & Integration Request.

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I have a substantial investment in Insteon devices but, I’m not sure that Insteon has a long term future. Their hub solution is weak at best and lacks conditional logic. I would jump to Smart things in a hot second if Insteon devices were supported.
Thanks, James

Now that SmartThings is about to be released in the UK, it would be good to have a separate list of compatible devices that are available in the UK and suitable for use with UK mains voltage (220 - 240 volt).

I hope I’m posting in the right area I am a rookie user looking to save a few bucks, I have recently purchased a iris alarm siren and had success hooking it up. Does anybody know if I will run into trouble trying to use the Iris door sensor

Is there a way for this site to host wiki pages on specific device integrations. I want an organized place for me to put down what I’m learning about specific device integration, and for others to correct/add, without having to sift through long forum threads. I believe this will make the platform a lot more accessible to new users too.

@STTourist. Nice idea.but I don’t know about the feasibility. you can set up your own free blog about different type of device integration s which you work with so that it would helpful for others.

Hi I purchased the blink android security cam and.have set it up but how do I disable the motion sensor notifications ? Its kind of annoying